Company Profile



Lemery Water District (LEWAD) is the sole holder of water right in the Municipality of Lemery. On August 8, 1981, Lemery Water District was organized by virtue of Sanguniang Bayan Resolution No. 81-49 which was passed by the Sanguniang Bayan of Lemery. This project was initiated by Municipal Mayor, Atty. Hermogenes C. De Castro, Jr. A certified copy of the resolution forming a district was forwarded to the Local Water Utilities Administration. The Administration found out that Lemery Water District conformed to the requirements and policy objectives. Upon such filing, the local government loses ownership, supervision and control or any rights whatsoever. Conditional Certificate of Conformance No. 169 was issued on November 17, 1981 by the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) in recognition for having taken very significant and necessary steps and substantial commitment to improve the domestic water service to the public. This certificate entitles the Lemery Water Districts to all rights and privileges authorized under PD 198. The Municipal Government of Lemery transferred the ownership and management of the whole water supply system to the Lemery Water District.

Lemery Water District began its institutional existence with certain difficulties among which are financial and inadequate water supplies. Lemery Water District is small actually, pinch size. It had only 300 concessionaires when it was established who are paying a flat rate of P12.50 per month. The district’s failure to attain its over-all goal was experienced until 1990. The expected implementation of the Phase I Improvement Project has been delayed for almost three (3) long years due to district’s failure to acquire right of way on time. The system finally works at the middle of 1990. In the commencement of the system, the operation and maintenance expenses significantly increased due to hiring of emergency workers, repair of busted pipes and acquisition of service connection materials. Massive house-to-house campaign to encourage the people to tap with the system was done by the district.

The Board of Directors of Lemery Water District is composed of five (5) citizens of the Philippines who are of voting age and residents of Lemery. One member is a representative of a civic oriented service clubs, and professional associations, one member is a representative of business, commercial, or financial organizations member is a representative of educational institutions and one member is a representative of women’s organizations. The Board of Director must not be a public official. Initially, the Board of Directors were as follows:

Mr. Mariano Venturanza                  August 8, 1981 – December 31, 1982

Mr. Dionisio Aquino                          August 8, 1981 – December 31, 1986

Dr. Honorio Bello                               August 8, 1981 – December 31, 1982

Mr. Manuel Mitra Sr.                        August 8, 1981 – December 31, 1984

Mrs. Victorina Razon                        August 8, 1981 – December 31, 1984

Since the promulgation of PD 198 on May 25, 1973, the corporate character of water districts has been, as defined by said decree, quasi-public or private.

However, on March 12, 1992 the Supreme Court ruled that water districts are government owned and controlled corporation and that employees fall under the coverage of the Civil Service Law and Rules and Regulations.

As government owned and controlled corporation, the Lemery Water District is now observing the rules of Civil Service Commission and Commission on Audit.

On April 01, 2014, the Lemery Water District has entered into a Joint Venture Agreement with Primewater Infrastructure Corporation for the Development, Rehabilitation, Improvement, Expansion, Operations and Management of the water system of the Municipality of Lemery, Batangas. The undertaking aimed to improve the water supply system of the Municipality, is in consonance with the Public-Private Partnership (PPP)  program being espoused by the National Government.


As of December 31, 2014, Lemery Water District has total services of 10,403; total active – 9,091 ; total metered – 9,149; total billed – 8.711. Population served is 64,043.

As of December 31, 2014, there are 9,091 active service connections which is broken down as follows:

Domestic/Government      8,324
Commercial/Industrial         767


The present Water Rates effective February 2005 are as follows:

a. Minimum (0-10)     150.00
b. 11-20 (per cum)        16.00
c. 21-30 (per cum)         17.50
d. 31-40 (per cum)        18.95
e. Over 40 (per cum)     20.50

a. Minimum (0-10)     300.00
b. 11-20 (per cum)        32.00
c. 21-30 (per cum)        35.00
d. 31-40 (per cum)        37.90
e. Over 40 (per cum)    41.00


Cahilan                        1
Taal                             1
Dayapan                     1
Mahayahay                1
Ayao-Iyao                  1
Gulod                          1
San Isidro Ibaba – A 1
San Isidro Ibaba – B 1
San Isidro Ibaba – C 1
San Isidro Ibaba – D 1
Payapa Ilaya             1
Payapa Ibaba            1
Dita                             1

At present, the district has all in all Thirteen (13) Pumping Stations listed above and 3 booster pumps situated in Barangay Dayapan, Lemery, Batangas.


1. Pick-up
2. Tricycle
3. Motorcycle
4. Nissan Urvan Shuttle
5. XE Toyota
6. Toyota Hi Ace
7. Multicab
8. Isuzu 4BA

The present Administration office is a building owned by Lemery Water District.


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